Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cricket Kits

Cricket, one of the most popular sports across the world, is a sport played by two teams having eleven players each. Like most sports, cricket cannot be played without the cricket kit and/or accessories. There are a number of accessories included in the cricket kit that among other things include gloves, helmets, pads, clothing, bats, and other protective gear. Depending on the position a player is playing at, he/she makes use of different sports equipment from the cricket kit. For example, wicket keepers wear thinner pads than the batsmen. Also, the gloves they wear are bigger in size and less padded and are designed exclusively for catching the ball.
Essentials of the Cricket Kit
All players irrespective of the area their skills lay carry the following essentials of the cricket kit;
1. Cricket ball and bat - The cricket bat and ball are essential and are the first items of a cricket kit. It is impossible to comprehend the idea of either cricket or a cricket kit without a cricket bat and ball.
2. Gloves - Earlier cricketers did not wear gloves when playing a match. However, it is unheard of a batsman or a wicket keeper to be playing cricket without their gloves on. The wicketkeeper's gloves are bigger and have thinner pads. In contrast, the batsmen's' gloves are more heavily padded above the fingers and are smaller in size compared to those of the wicket keepers.
3. Leg pads - Leg pads are one of the most important accessories for a cricketer and play a vital role in protecting the legs and knees from injuries.
4. Helmets - Helmets are another type of protective gear used by batsmen and wicketkeepers. It is now crucial for batsmen and wicket-keepers to wear helmets. The helmet protects them from a head injury that can be caused by the ball hitting them at a fast speed.
5. Spiked Shoes - Since cricketers have to play on grass or turf, most of them wear spiked shoes these days. Spiked shoes give them a better foothold and prevent them from slipping on the ground.
6. Other Protective Gear - Because cricketers are prone to injuries, it is important that they use appropriate protective gear to prevent or at the most minimize the effects of injuries. This protective gear includes but is not limited to shin guard, thigh pads, chest guards, arm guards and abdomen guards etc.


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